Hobby: Low Defences On A Budget

 Hey all,
continuing my super cheap terrain defences theme, I built these low barricades. I imagined that these would be something that would have been built in an emergency by the PDF or the Imperial Guard, hence why they're wooden and not rockrete or plasteel or anything like that, quite fitting for the game we're having today as its a Tyranid invasion! Here's how I did them:

Hobby: Some Anti-Personnel Defences On A Budget

Hey all,
in this age of defences I've discovered a very cheap and easy way to make anti personnel fortifications, in prep for a game I'm having tomorrow, we have lots of buildings and thought it would be good to add a bit of other cover and the like.In total I spent £3 on materials, I bought a roll of 1.25mm strimmer wire, 50 lollipop sticks and 38 felt tip pens (cheaper than buying plastic tubing!). Here's what I did: