Today I bring a couple of models that I've just finished. From the title of the post I'm sure I don't really need to tell you what models I've been painting. I've been working on the Goblin King for the last couple of weeks doing a bit at a time as I've had the time. Balin I started at around 11 last night and had him almost finish by about 1 this morning.
Up first is Balin. I'm really happy with how he's turned out. He was a relatively simple model to paint as he's essentially all red. However doing him all the same shade of red would have looked a bit odd so while both share the same basecoat and wash they are highlighted differently. From the pictures I had of Balin his outer robe was darker while his inner robe was lighter a bit lighter in colour. For the inner robe I added orange to the mix to lighten it while the outer robe had a little grey added to it. His beard was just painted grey with white added over the top on the highest parts. As I said at the start I'm really happy with how he's turned out. These plastic characters from the Escape from Goblin Town box are all really nice and after painting Bilbo and Balin I can say I'm really looking forward to painting the rest of the Dwarves.