Hi all,
Just a quick update to let you all know that Disqus has now been added to the blog. I've been trying to add it for the last couple of days but its only just worked but hopefully it will have been worth it. If there are any problems with it please be patient while I try and fix it.
Hi all, well I did say I was going to post some new pictures, and here's the first few, nicely brightened up by my laptop!
Hi all. So this is the first post since last October. It has been the longest absence from the blog since myself and Zebulon started it. N...
Hi All, I apologise again for the lack of post, but as usual my life has been some what hectic as of late. Anyway, where to begin?.... ah ...
Hi all, I've been noodling around with some terrain ideas for AoS (if you not seen my previous post) and through a bit of trial and er...
Hi all. So this is a quick, and very late, results post for the painting challenge between myself and Zebulon. Unfortuantely a busy few ...