Today I bring some pictures of minor hero's from the Hobbit range that I have been painting. They were all quite simple models to do and I'm quite happy with how they've turned out considering I wasn't putting a huge amount of effort into painting them. Essentially I was just aiming for slightly better than tabletop quality.
First up is the a Goblin Captain. I got this model because I have a load of Escape from Goblin Town goblins to paint and I decided I could do with an extra captain. I tried doing the skin a slightly different way to how I did the Goblin King's. I think I'm happier with how its turned out this time and I'll probably do all the other goblins in a similar way.
Next up is the Grim Hammer Captain. I really like the Grim Hammers and so decided to get and paint up the Captain first before getting the actual Grim Hammer warriors. Its a nice little model with some good details. Been largely one colour the Captain was really easy to do but I think it still comes out well even with a relatively basic paint job.
Lastly we have the only named character of the three, Lindir. I don't know quite why but I really like this model. Again a fairly simple model to paint however I did put a little more effort in with this model than I did for either of the Captains. I tried to make the blue of the main jacket and the blue of his trousers slightly different shades just to break it up a little. With the cloak I tried something a little different to what I would usually do. Normally I would gradually build up the highlights until I was happy with it. This time however I applied the base colour and then quite a light highlight before using washes to add the shade and help blend the colours from base to highlight. It hasn't come out to well on these pictures but it actually looks quite good. The main reason I did it this way was just for speed and to avoid mixing 2 or 3 highlight colours. I think its something I'll use again in future when I want to do a cloak quickly.
Overall I'm happy with how all three of these models have turned out and look forward to getting to use them in a game at some point.
Well that's it for this post. As always thanks for taking the time to have a look and please feel free to leave and comments, be they good, bad or somewhere in between.
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