New Models and They're Not GW....Shock Horror

HI all,

Today  Sign of the Aquila takes it first step away from GW models. Yes its heresy I know but we'll be coming back to good old GW soon enough. I've been meaning to do this post for about 2 weeks but just haven't had the time.

So where does this first venture from GW take me? To the miniatures produced by Kingdom Death. I've been looking at their models for quite a while now since I first became aware of them through Bell of Lost Souls. So the other week while looking at their site and taking a liking to one of the limited edition models they had at the time, I took the opportunity to order it and one of the others that I liked.

So here we are the first 2 non-GW models that I've come to own.

First up is the limited edition Great Game Hunter Female. Each model comes with a full colour art card and the models are packaged in nice little cardboard boxes. 

Also inside the the box is a small part of the larger artwork, again in full colour. The above picture shows the contents of the the models box.  

The model itself is very nice. Although it doesn't show up very well in the picture the detail on the model is fantastic. There's not a lot of flash to clean up and very few if any mould lines. There are also no flaws in the casting unlike with GW's finecast resin. 

The cloak has some nice details on the corners. 

The weapons for the model are on this separate sprue. Again very little cleaning up will be required.

Next up is the  Twilight Knight Pinup model. This is one of the models that Kingdom Death has up for general release. Again there is a full colour piece of artwork and it comes in a cardboard box.

Again there is a smaller piece of artwork taken from the bigger one.

Again the detail on the miniature is fantastic which is kind of expected from a resin model.

There were a couple of area's on the cloak that were a little thin and could have potentially led to holes in the cloak where there shouldn't have been. To fix this applied a little green stuff to the inside of the clock in order to bulk up these area's and prevent any holes developing.

Again the weapons are on a separate sprue along with the head for this model.

Overall I'm very impressed with the quality of the models from Kingdom Death and I'm very much looking forward to having a go at painting. I think they'll be quite different to paint compared to the kind of things I'm used to painting.

Well that's it for this post. As always thanks for taking the time to have a look and please feel free to leave any comments, be they good or bad or somewhere in between.
