Covenant of Antarctica: Callimachus Time Dilation Orb (Warterlined)

Hi all

Today I bring you some pictures of my Callimachus Time Dilation Orbs. These were the next set of 'ships' I finished for my fleet. I use the term ships loosely as they're not really ships but versions to be used in support of a naval fleet. I like the models very much and I think they have some quite fun rules. Especially the ability to teleport friendly models around the board. I can see that been very fun indeed teleporting my battleship/crusiers/dreadnought around.

So on with the pictures.

Pirate Rich's Retro Ork Army

Hi all, today I bring a bit of a different post. I play a game today with my mate Pirate Rich, who I've never played before, mainly because his stuff was living in Shropshire, but he brought it up not so long ago. I knew it was Orks and i also knew he hadn't played in a while.

Covenant of Antarctica: Aristotle Class Battleship

Hi all.

Today I bring some pictures of the next of my finished Covenant of Antarctica ships the Aristotle Class Battleship. I really like this model. It's one of the reasons I choose the Covenant as my first fleet for Dystopian Wars. It has a nice design but quite simple and has all those broadside guns! It's just studded with them. I also like that it can submerge and even has a template just to represent it (yes I'm easily pleased lol).

So on with the pictures and see what you think.

Tarnhelm 3rd Lord Commissar

Hi all

Today I bring a 40k post for your enjoyment. I've been working on this model for quite a while and I finally got it finished the other day. I would have posted it then but that night I lost the internet for 6 days as it got changed over. What bad timing lol. The model in question is my Commissar Lord. I got it a while ago and have been working on it on and off for a while. Other projects got started and I took up Dystopian Wars so it got pushed further down my queue of unpainted models. However I got tired of it sat on my desk so I got it painted up.

So have a look at the pictures and see what you think.