Hi all.
Today I bring pictures of my latest finished project my Auric Runefather on Magmadroth. Originally I bought this model (as part of the Start Collecting Fyreslayers box) to paint up and enter in to a painting contest my local GW store was holding. Sadly while I had the model finished on time events on the day stopped me getting it to the store to enter it meaning I'll never know how I would have done. I'd like to think I'd have done ok. Either way it was a really good model to paint up and I'm glad I did. No doubt this will lead to a small Fyreslayer contingent to ally with my Stormcast Eternals army haha.
So on with some pictures of the finished model.
More after the jump.
Overall I'm really happy with how it turned out. The base, or more accurately the lava effect, took ages to do but I think turned out really well. I'm also very happy with the Auric Runefather himself, especially the hair and axe head. The colour of the axe head was inspired by the way they did the green marble in Erebor in the The Hobbit movies. I had already decided I didn't want an ordinary metal axe head. So whilst watching the behind the scenes stuff on the extended editions of the Battle of Five Armies I saw a part talking about Erebor and specifically about them building and designing the look of Erebor. In that was a small bit on the deep green marble flecked with gold. I instantly knew that was what I wanted to at least try and replicate. While I didn't manage to capture it exactly I'm happy with it none the less.
And then there is the Magmadroth itself. I knew I wannted to do something other than red for the main colour as you see a lot of those. I also decided that seen as the base and Runefather have fairly warm colour palletes the Magmadroth should have a mostly cold pallete. The orange/yellow of the back and tail spines/fins was chosen to stand out against the blue/purple of the main body. I think it's worked out quite nicely. I also tried a few new techniques for me like getting the smooth transition of colour from blue to purple on the horns on the head and a similar look for the blue to black transitions on the spines on the shoulders/legs/tail.
As I said at the beginning it was a really fun model to paint and I really would consider getting another in future to have a go at another scheme (I had an alternate green scheme for this but opted for the blue/purple instead).
Well that's all for today. Thanks for taking the time to have a look and please feel free to leave a comment be it good, bad or somewhere in between.
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