Hey all,
I'm back again with another scenery splurge, but this time a more open piece.
This was another really simple scratch build to create. The main component are a toothbrush display holder from a shop, the ones the toothbrushes come in to sit on the shelves, a chip spice tub for the main tower, the same piping I've used before, a couple of mesh bits from another kit and some tubes from the inside of till rolls!
The idea was to make some lower level terrain compared to the tower and filtration unit, but also be able to move through it aswell. You can either hunker down behind the stack of pipes, or leap over the long pipe and advance!
The painting was fairly simple, the whole thing was primed in grey and then the metals were done in Leadbelcher, followed by an Agrax Earthshade wash and as usual Typhus corrosioned and Ryza Rusted.
The tower was painted Khorne Red, then washed with Agrax Earthshade, stippled and sponged with Rhinox Hide and then Typhus Corrosioned and Ryza Rusted. The base was dry brushed in progressive greys and the splodges of Agrax Earthshade to break it up a bit.
The whole thing makes a nice addition to what I've made already but I'm now thinking it looks a little flat and could do with a little more detail adding just to make it pop a little. Once a get my board laid out I'll be able to add bits that tie everything together!
Well that's it for now and as always feel free to leave a comment below whether they be good, bad or inbetween and thanks for reading.