Zebulon's Scenery Splurge: Filtration Unit

Hi all,

I'm back again with more terrain madness! This time with my scratchbuilt filtration unit, straight out of the underhive!

This was mainly made from some packaging for nectarines, a couple of CPU fans, some Robogear piping a few bottle lids and a rather large skull!

Given a nice basecoat of Death Guard Green and then cracked on....

I went for copper for the domes and achieved a subtle texture by stippling 3 successive shade of brass onto them, to give it a 'beaten' feel.

Some heavy verdigris, rust on the skull, mesh plates and pipes and then roughly stencilled on the numbers to give a warn feel. A few hazard stripes on the power cables and a nice grimy basing and its done! To go with this and the silo Im going too make some pipey scatter terrain, some broken some not too show they're all connected together

Well that's it for now and as always feel free to leave comments below, whether they be good bad or in between!
