Thunderwolves WIP

Hi all.

It's nice to have had a chance to get my brushes and paint back out after such a long time. I have decided to try and finish some of the things that I've had sat on my painting tray for quite a while now. With that in mind the first thing i have decide to work on are my first unit of Thunderwolf Cavalry. I actually have a second unit of them somewhere that I had wanted to do at the same time as these but I actually can't remember quite where they are haha. 

So here are the WIP of them so far. I apologise for the pictures not been the best. My camera ran out of power so I had to take the pictures with my phone. 

There isn't too much left to do on them really. Mainly just details such as the bone talismans and unit markings and such. 

Well that's it for this post. As always thanks for taking the time to have a look.
