Hey all, I've recently started playing Rogue Trader with my gaming group and I chose the Astropath. We've done it for a few weeks now and we're finally getting into the meat of the campaigns. Last time we were surrounded by cultists and I tried to use psychic scream, failed and caused a mass daemonic possession :/ We've started using minis to represent ourselves so we can keep tabs in combat, so one day last week a made a mini me!
He's made out of various bits, Catachan legs and vest torso, some Empire head, halberd arm and a random open hand from a bitz box. The robes are green stuff obviously, and whilst I'm not the best at green stuffing, they came out ok. The cloak too is from some random bitz box and the purity seals just bring it into the 41st millennium, My character is armed with a Stubber and a Shock staff, he is very old and has a habit if falling over. I'm rather chuffed with him overall, with maybe the exception of the tattered robe ends, they just don't seem quite right. The staff top is from the Empire General kit I think? Again it came in a random bitz box I bought. Be nice to get him painted up!
Anyway, that's my little blurt for today. If you like what you see please feel free to leave a comment below, whether it be good bad or inbetween.